After our extremely lonnng day of traveling which consisted of 3 plane rides, the one from chicago to beijing being 13 hrs long, we got off the plane in yangji and went not to the hostiles (thank God) but to the university dorms.

So the next day we woke up at 3:45am so we could go to this hiking place that was 5 hrs away from yangji...
Somewhere in those 5 hrs we stopped to eat our traditional korean style breakfast (pixx) which was this seaweed wrap with rice, ham, and other stuff that i don't even want to know what it was:)
When we arrived, we were provided lunch which was traditional Chinese food that included rice (which i ate) and other side dishes such as mushrooms (that looked just like ears) and squash with egg mixed in (both of which i did not eat ;).

We then began our 20 minute bus ride up to the crater with a man spieling to us in Korean about the site. When we got up there we decided to walk up to the lake... ha! there were like 2,000 extremely steep steps going up there. (look at the pix, we walked up that wall going up the mountain)

We thought we were mildly in shape... but no! Tooons of sweat later everyone was tireddd (pix of evan and kaitlin) but we finally made it to the top...

The crater was actually gorgeous with a crystal blue lake in the middle. The walk down was 100% better with kaitlin and eric. That place was absolutely gorgeous but the hike up... was a one-time event ;)

We then were done with China-exploring for the day, so we went back to our dorms and had our meeting. Ha, all the girls got awards for stealing derek's suitcase ;)
Wow... I'm SO glad you had an awesome trip and made it home safely. We thought about you guys every day! Can't wait to see you this week... Of course, I want to hear more!!!
Yo, have you ever thought of like growing a mustache like DUDE a Gotee would look like, swweet and if u get one like, call me ok?
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